art. house. mum.
In all its glory. Here is the second sticker chart (up cycled from the back of the first sticker chart... I'm classy).
Current behaviour being targeted includes landing wee and poo in the toilet; staying in bed in the morning until papa fetches them; doing chores with a good attitude; and anything where a mum or a dad need just a little bit of leverage to encourage good decisions.
As yet, there are no rewards for getting any number of stickers on the chart and apparently the kids haven't realised that that is what other families do. And you may notice that the paths of the stickers aren't too closely aligned. I am really trying to enforce the idea that this is not a competition or a race, but a chance for us to give the children who we love so much a few small things to encourage them to be the best that they can be quite separate to whatever anybody else is or isn't doing.
Isn't life an adventure!