You don't quite forget how. Tomorrow shall be my first brew day since January 27. Which is an eternity ago. Plus, it will be the Brewmistress's first ever five gallon all-grain batch. With her brand new mash tun. Doing a Nelson Sauvin IPA (because she has 6 ounces of Nelson hops in the freezer). Plus, she gets to meet a brand new baby! Big day all around.
*Sunday update* I did not brew. I had the best of intentions, got my yeast ready and everything. However, Saturday was so beautiful, and the first of such days after two weeks of good hard rain. So, instead, I did all kinds of yard work and finished my garden planting. So, I am now shooting for next weekend.
Cheers, and have a lovely weekend!
*Sunday update* I did not brew. I had the best of intentions, got my yeast ready and everything. However, Saturday was so beautiful, and the first of such days after two weeks of good hard rain. So, instead, I did all kinds of yard work and finished my garden planting. So, I am now shooting for next weekend.
Cheers, and have a lovely weekend!